Annual review and approval by the CRI-IACUC is required for each protocol to remain active through the approved period (3 years). Annual reviews are generally due at the end of each year and cover the previous fiscal year. Amendments should be incorporated into the body of the text and required literature searches must be updated by the Principle Investigator (PI) via an Annual Review of Animal Protocol (IACUC form 505) submitted to the IACUC Administrator for IACUC review and approval. If animal work is to continue on a protocol after the three-year period, the protocol is required to be rewritten completely and all information updated prior to a full IACUC review.

In addition, post approval monitoring (PAM) is randomly conducted by means of:

a) Additional reviews conducted as appropriate if and deviations or violations are detected/reported.
b) Routine observation of animals by animal care personnel.
c) Veterinary care or observation by the Attending Veterinarian.